HEMI 4: Men’s Weekend
Camp Shiloh, NH
May 17-19, 2024

When: Friday, May 17 - Sunday, May 19, 2024

Where: Camp Shiloh, 138 Gordon Drive, Jefferson, NH 03583. The place is amazing!

Cost: $150 per person. This includes accommodations and food. Your payment will be your confirmation. You can give a check to any one of us or Venmo.

  • Venmo: @ehmicabin

  • Check: Give to Jeff May (EHMI, 672 East Hartford Ave, Uxbridge, MA 01569)
    or anyone on the EHMI team

Why: Men need God and other men in our lives. Scripture is filled with God putting men together. Men like doing stuff together; hiking, biking, fixing things, golfing, snowmobiling, hunting, etc. Men also tend to isolate and “go it alone”. We weren’t made to do it alone, so our heart is to encourage guys to find a group of guys to do life with. Please make every effort to make this weekend; we believe it will be life changing. Bryan, Dan, Jeff, John.

Back story: In 2000, the 4 of us started a hunting trip to Maine. It only took a few years for us to realize that it was about much more than hunting (although we love hunting!). Not only have we hunted for 23 years, but we are also close friends, accountability brothers, and we meet regularly to talk about life, pray, and encourage/challenge one another. It’s a God thing.

The Miscellaneous: Arrive anytime on Friday. Some activities include shooting guns and hiking. You can invite other guys (16 and up). Financial help for anyone struggling. It’s not a hunting trip and it’s not camping. We’ll have more details as we get closer.

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

– Proverbs 18:24